

Have you thought about a career in Criminal Justice? Join us to learn how you can earn a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice through the Rutgers at County College of Morris partnership! 


Explore your future at Rutgers! Join us at the County College of Morris Open House to learn more about our joint partnership program. Visit our information table to discover how you can earn your Rutgers degree while conveniently staying on the County College of Morris campus


Need help with your Rutgers application? Join us for a drop-in workshop! Rutgers staff will be available to answer your questions and provide guidance on the application process. No appointment necessary.


Need help with your Rutgers application? Join us for a drop-in workshop! Rutgers staff will be available to answer your questions and provide guidance on the application process. No appointment necessary.


Ready to take your criminal justice education to the next level? Join us for an informative session to learn about Rutgers’ Criminal Justice programs offered at County College of Morris. Discover how you can earn a Rutgers degree while staying close to home. Our staff will be on hand to answer your questions and discuss the exciting career paths available to you.


Need help with your Rutgers application? Join us for a drop-in workshop! Rutgers staff will be available to answer your questions and provide guidance on the application process. No appointment necessary.


Join us to explore what you can do with a Leadership & Management or Marketing degree from Rutgers at County College of Morris. Rutgers representatives will be present to discuss the admissions process and available career opportunities.


Need help with your Rutgers application? Join us for a drop-in workshop! Rutgers staff will be available to answer your questions and provide guidance on the application process. No appointment necessary.


Need help with your Rutgers application? Join us for a drop-in workshop! Rutgers staff will be available to answer your questions and provide guidance on the application process. No appointment necessary.


Need help with your Rutgers application? Join us for a drop-in workshop! Rutgers staff will be available to answer your questions and provide guidance on the application process. No appointment necessary.