Transferring Credit

Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies | Rutgers at Mercer County Community College

For students interested in transferring into the Bachelor of Arts Liberal Studies program offered through the Rutgers University at Mercer County Community College Partnership, completion of the following Mercer courses is recommended before enrollment.

· MAT120 – Mathematics for Liberal Arts

· SOC101 – Introduction to Sociology

· PSY101 – Introduction to Psychology

· Foreign Language –FRE102, GER102, ITA102, or SPA102

The above courses should be completed as part of, or in addition to, an Associate Degree program. Completion of an Associate in Arts (A.A.), Associate in Science (A.S.), or Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree is required to be considered for admission.

Students may transfer up to 60 credits from a community college to Rutgers University and must receive a grade of C or better for a course to transfer.

Students who have not completed all the above courses may still be considered

for admission but should consult with a Rutgers advisor prior to applying.

Courses for the Liberal Studies degree at Rutgers-Mercer County Community College are a combination of courses taught in class at the Mercer campus and online courses. Students interested in transferring into this program should be comfortable with taking some online courses. To apply for admission, please visit